Hopp til innhold

The Norwegian national company of contemporary dance

OPEN HOUSE: Workshop med CHOREA Theatre


The work­shop or­ga­ni­zed by CHO­REA is ba­sed on in­ten­si­ve ac­ting tra­ining. The work­shop fo­cu­ses on wa­king up the “or­ga­ni­ci­ty” of an ac­tor, by wor­king with body, dy­na­mic mo­ve­ment, vo­ice, mu­si­ca­li­ty, rhy­thm, and on ap­ply­ing all the­se me­ans of expres­sion si­mul­ta­ne­ously into a sin­gu­lar, com­ple­te ar­ti­stic act. The work­shop is also in­spi­red by the con­cept of col­lec­ti­ve ac­tor, ba­sed on in­ten­si­ve work with part­ner, and mul­ti­di­men­sio­nal – po­lyr­hy­th­mic and po­ly­pho­nic – ways of wor­king with the gro­up.

Suitable for ages 14+