Nadege Kubwayo

Nadege Kubwayo is 24 years old and from Burundi. She moved to Norway at the age of six and first began dancing in High School. She graduated with a BA in Jazz Dance at the Oslo National Academy of the Arts (2019).

During her education, she worked with choreographers including Ludvig Daae, Masja Abrahamsen, Erica Sobol and Christopher Arouni. Nadege was part of Nagelhus Schia Productions’ AMP – Aspirant Mentor Program (2019-2020) where she worked with choreographers such as Damien Jalet, Hege Haagenrud, Daniel Proietto, Guro Nagelhus Schia &Vebjørn Sundby and Melanie Lane.

Film & Photo: Øystein Haara Location: Bergen Kjøtt