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The Norwegian national company of contemporary dance


Ragnarok in Norse mythology means „the twilight of the gods”, or simply the end of the old world and the beginning of a new one.

CHO­REA The­atre is a thri­ving, un­co­un­ta­ble and unpre­dic­ta­ble gro­up of ar­ti­sts, per­for­mers, mu­si­cians, dan­cers, ac­tors, prac­ti­tio­ners, the­atre and dra­ma the­ori­sts. They cre­ate in­ter­di­sci­pli­na­ry ar­ti­stic, edu­ca­tio­nal and so­cial pro­jects: con­certs, work­shops and per­for­man­ces. CHOREA Theatre em­ploy in­no­va­ti­ve, ori­gi­nal work me­thods, go­ing bey­ond the cul­tu­ral ma­in­stre­am. They di­rect their work, pro­jects, ac­tions and ac­ti­vi­ties to: adults, youth and chil­dren, tho­se who are re­gu­lar the­atre-go­ers, tho­se with li­mi­ted ac­cess to art, and tho­se lo­oking for al­ter­na­ti­ve cul­tu­ral in­i­tia­ti­ves.


Directors Note:

Ragnarok in Norse mythology means „the twilight of the gods”, or simply the end of the old world and the beginning of a new one. However, the title of our performance is the only direct reference that connects it with the mythology. We felt that it might give another layer of interpretation for the audience, but at the same time we liked the fact that this term is so blunt with its meaning.

The show is about a new world. And here we wan­ted to dive into the problematics of humanity. Relations between people, connection with oneself, and representation of a society, but without certain roles or hierarchy.

We are working with the concept of liminality, which is focused on the „inbetween” place, that occurs in the central phase of the rite of passage. The place, where the participants are no longer their old selves, but are not yet anything new. It is the ambiguous place of passing by. And we wan­ted the whole performance to be that place. A kind of distorted situation, a bit out of order or with some kind of tension and uncomfortable feeling.

Through the whole performance each actress and actor has hers and his own story and path, and through some crossings the relations are happening. We were trying to underline this loneliness, even if there are some connections happening. It is more about finding this specific performative state of carefully listening to myself – and through this tender and vigilant listening – to truly hearing the others.

Performance created and presented in terms of „ACT IN_OUT” Project, organized by Art Factory in Lodz, in cooperation with CHOREA Theatre form Lodz and Norwegian National Company of Contemporary Dance – Carte Blanche form Bergen, thanks to a grant from Norway Grants and EEA. Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe.

Project co-financed by the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.Project cofinanced by the City of Łódź.

Cre­ators: CHO­REA The­atre & Carte Blanche – The Nor­we­gian Na­tio­nal Com­pa­ny of Con­tem­po­ra­ry Dance

Pro­duc­tion: Art Fac­to­ry in Lodz

Di­rec­tion and cho­re­ogra­phy: Ad­rian Bart­czak

Mu­sic: To­masz Krzy­ża­now­ski / Arvo Pärt’s pie­ce “STA­BAT MA­TER” is used in the per­for­man­ce

Co­stu­mes and sta­ge de­sign: Mar­ta Góźdź – El Bruz­da

Di­rec­tor’s as­si­stants and dra­ma­tur­gy col­la­bo­ra­tion: Wik­tor Mo­ra­czew­ski

Cho­re­ogra­phic con­sul­ta­tions: An­na­bel­le Bon­néry

Cast: Ja­nusz Adam Bie­drzyc­ki, Maja Ca­ban, Jo­an­na Chmie­lec­ka, Mi­chał Jóź­wik, Mał­go­rza­ta Lip­czyń­ska, Anna Ma­szew­ska, To­masz Ro­do­wicz

Li­ght: To­masz Kru­kow­ski

So­und: Mar­cin Do­bi­jań­ski / Ka­rol Skrzy­piec

Po­ster: Fi­lip Ap­pel

Pho­tos: Mar­cin Kor­bus

Pro­duc­tion co­or­di­na­tor: Ola Shaya

Pro­duc­tion: CHO­REA The­atre, Fa­bry­ka Sztu­ki in Lodz, The Nor­we­gian Na­tio­nal Com­pa­ny of Con­tem­po­ra­ry Dan­ce – Car­te Blan­che
Arvo Pärt’s pie­ce “STA­BAT MA­TER”, for mi­xed cho­ir and string or­che­stra, from the CD “Pärt, A.: Sta­bat Ma­ter”, (in: Cre­ator Spi­ri­tus, Har­mo­nia Mun­di Fr, 2011), is used in the per­for­man­ce. Per­for­man­ces are ap­pro­ved by Uni­ver­sal Edi­tion A.G.

Vie­wers’ age: 16