RETRO CAT unfolds in an oversized setting. Amid imaginative surroundings, we find the rear end of a giant cat. The cat butt acts as a magical portal. The cat’s tail sways back and forth. The portal pulsates.
The moon rises with the sun. Strange creatures inhabit the stage. They sing in an unrecognizable language, yet we still understand. The figures on the stage are ambiguous in nature. Are they humans or animals, fish or birds, or something entirely different?
RETRO CAT is a performance where set design, sound, light, and dancers merge into a lively and surreal experience. Contrasts and repetitions are explored. Tori Wrånes questions both the visible and the invisible. She playfully engages with parallel worlds and with new rules.
Artist and composer Tori Wrånes has created spectacular works worldwide. In RETRO CAT, Wrånes has put her signature on choreography, composition, set design, and costume design. Enter an extraordinary world filled with visual and auditory acrobatics, mystery, seriousness, and play!
The performance is a co-production between Carte Blanche and Bergen International Festival in collaboration with BIT Teatergarasjen.
Video Teaser
Artistic Director: Annabelle Bonnéry | General Manager: Tone Tjemsland | Communication Director: Pia Rogne | Production & Planning Director: Møyfrid Fuglestad | Rehearsal Director: Susanna Recchia | Touring Director: Gulli Sekse | Communications Officer: Jonas Sharif Hordvik | Adminstrative Secretary: Mona Igland | Communications Officer & Adminstrative Secretary: Line Jensen | Technical Director: Jeroen Tjeerd de Groot | Chief Electrician: Robert Roespel | Technical Coordinator: Mark Simon Watts | Head of Sound: Gunnar Innvær | Stage & Tour Manager: Jan Tore Solberg | Lighting Technician: Hans Skogen, Maja Bergebakken Sundt | Sound Technician: Evgeny Lysak | Stage Technician: Aiste Žumbakyte, Vegard Veivåg, Jakob Vik, Marius Bakke Petersen | Head of Costume: Indrani Balgobin | Tailor/Dresser & Costume Making: Krishna Biscardi | Costume Maker: Kristine Akselberg, Marte Synnevåg | Modeler/Tailor: Martina Wilhelms | Dresser: Renate Rolland | Masks and Special Effects: June Olsen | Wig Maker: Kati Sjøgren, Ingrid Stasi Skjold | Props/Costume & Technical Work: Birthe Rasmussen Eikeland | Scenography Production: Willy Berg Larsen, Arild Hovland | Prop Maker: Odd Kåre Stokkeland | Production Assistant: Elise Petersen| Housekeeping: Benigne Nizigiyimana & Davin Iratunga | PR- Photo: Sjur Pollen | Process & Press Photos: Øystein Haara | Video: David Alræk | Studio Wrånes: Emnet Kebreab, Tone Kittelsen, Antti Bjørn, Lisa Asplund, Qi Tan, Steinar Kaarstein, Carl Svensson |
Oktoberdans, Studio Bergen
16. October18:00–19:00
Oktoberdans, Studio Bergen
17. October18:00–19:00
Dansens Hus, Oslo
24. October19:00–20:00
Dansens Hus, Oslo
25. October19:00–20:00
Dansens Hus, Oslo
26. October14:00–15:00
Dansens Hus, Oslo
26. October17:00–18:00
Dansens Hus, Oslo
27. October19:00–20:00
Turnéteateret i Trøndelag
31. October19:00–20:00
DanseFestival Barents, Arktisk Kultursenter Hammerfest
5. November19:00–20:00