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The Norwegian national company of contemporary dance


Thank you for now, Festspillene 2024!

The last festival performance is over for our part. We wrapped up on Sunday with yet another full house, making it nine in total, which has been incredibly inspiring. We received rave reviews and some delightful helpings of standing ovations.

We want to thank everyone who helped bring the cat to life. A gigantic thanks to Tori Wrånes, who took us into her shifting universe where imagination flowed freely throughout Studio Bergen and who had her hands in all parts of the production. Many thanks to everyone involved.

It has been quite a journey towards the premiere on May 23rd! There are many to thank, so Thanks to our fantastic dancers who crawled like fleas over the colossal cat’s backside. You shine so brightly, and we are incredibly proud of you!

Thanks to all the rock stars in the technical department, who, along with a stellar team of freelancers, built the set, rigged everything, and ensured the cat came to life. The costume department, led by our costume manager Indrani Balgobin and the team of superheroes who fixed masks, wigs, shoes, and costumes, has delivered enormously.

Thanks to Joar Renolen and Gunnar Innvær for the music and sound design that evoked laughter and instant wakefulness from some sleepier audience members after the calmer parts. Thanks to Robert Roespel for a lighting design that enveloped everyone in the hall in a magical, hazy twilight glow.
Thanks to the festival for invaluable help and co-production. Thanks to BIT Teatergarasjen for the excellent collaboration. Thanks to a whole administration that has worked tirelessly to help realize RETRO CAT. Thanks to Studio Wrånes, not least!

Thanks to David Alræk, Sjur Pollen, and Øystein Haara, who helped us create anticipation for the big event that was to take place with us this spring.

Finally, many thanks to all of you who came and were part of the adventure that has been RETRO CAT; it was a joy to have your energy in the room, to share antics, mystique, seriousness, and play with you.


Carte Blanche <3

Here, you can see the names of all those who helped make RETRO CAT a reality.